Offering tips on creating value for money on your grocery shopping on any budget.
This blog is designed to help you become an astute shopper.
Tips on how to save money.
Tips on achieving better value for money on your spend.
Tips on buying economically, to use the compound savings to spread your budget further.
Blog 7 - Deflation and Reduce pack sizes, product weight
The long spell on how interest rights and low inflation means that the grocery market has seen low inflation or some deflation over many years. Your weekly grocery shopping bill is lower than 10 years ago due to competition between the supermarkets, plus the growth of the discounts Aldi and Lidl and low inflation.
The Grocery manufacturers with retailers, have been for some years now reducing the weight in products or the number of units in a multi pack to keep the price the same but absorb increased costs and maintain profit margins.
Using the unit price becomes more evident in deciding value for money.
The £ stores are not always the value for money you might think. As they will contract a product to sell at £1 but the product may have less weight or 3 instead of 4 bars in a e.g. multi pack of chocolate than the same product in a mainstream supermarket especially if the same product is an offer price in the supermarket. Again unit price determines the best value for money.