NHS England and NHS Improvement with support from Public Health England, are relaunching the ‘Help Us, Help You’ lung cancer campaign to encourage people with a cough lasting three weeks or more and who don’t have COVID-19, to contact their GP practice.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some members of the public are reluctant to use NHS services, citing concerns about being exposed to the virus and not wanting to be a burden on the NHS.
In addition, there is a lack of awareness that a cough for three weeks or more on its own can be a sign of lung cancer, and a need to remind the audience to act on a persistent cough and not wait to see if it resolves.
While a cough for three weeks or more is probably nothing serious, it could be a sign of something that needs treatment. If it is
cancer, finding it early makes it more treatable and can save lives.
In addition to the symptom of a cough for three weeks or more, other symptoms of lung cancer include:
- Chest infections that keep coming back
- Coughing up blood
- A long-standing cough that gets worse
- An ache or pain when breathing or coughing
- Persistent breathlessness
- Persistent tiredness or lack of energy
- Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss
Your NHS is here and wants to see you, Help Us Help You.
If you would like help contacting your GP or getting a referral for cancer screening, please contact a dedicated health adviser in Seaview on 01424 460633.